Lil Tracker helps special needs’ parents
Being the parent of a special needs child can be difficult – the worrying, the organizing, and the added demand on you, as a parent, in general. That’s why we want to introduce every special needs’ family to our Lil Tracker safety watch for kids.
First off, kids love them – they are colourful and fun to wear, and they are very user-friendly. With just the touch of a button or a quick finger scroll on the screen, kids can connect instantly with their parents or guardian, as well as with friends. And they will love receiving messages from you – send them some love throughout the day with a quick instant emoticon message.
Secondly, parents can keep track of their children easily by using our app on their cell phone. They can see exactly where their child is 24/7 (as long as they are wearing the watch). You will also be notified immediately if the watch is taken off. Want to listen in on your child to ensure they’re okay and not being bullied? Use our one-way listening feature to check in on them.
Finally, the Lil Tracker has an SOS button, probably the most important aspect of our child’s safety watch. By pressing the button, they will connect to your cell phone instantly. Program not one but up to three emergency numbers.
We admire those parents who have special needs children so much because they often have to pull double and even triple time when it comes to their parenting job. And we hope the Lil Tracker will help them, even just a little bit more. Please contact us for more info on this lifesaving tool.